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Marital Happiness of Married Visually Disabled Persons: An Intrinsic Case Study

Teoh Jia Long and Muhammad Idris Bullare @ Bahari

Volume : vol 2

Publication Date : 2018-12-22

Keywords : marital happiness, marriage, visually disabled persons

Abstract : This paper aims to explore the sources of marital happiness among married visually disabled persons. The driving force of this study is the lack of theoretical and scholarly insights regarding the happiness of visually disabled spouses especially in Malaysia. This study will apply the qualitative methodology which utilizes the case study design (Stake, 1995). One respondent was interviewed in this investigation. Eight themes that best represent marital happiness of visually disabled person were constructed: responsibility, acceptance, self-efficacy, achievements, access to transportation, spirituality, sense of togetherness, and financial stability. Through this research, proper understanding of marital happiness among married visually disabled persons could be obtained hence, serving as the guideline of policy making to ensure well-being in such population. In this sense, the study of marital happiness among such population is also crucial to expand the plethora of knowledge in the field of positive psychology.


The editors and publisher of Journal of Psychology and Social Health have made every possible effort to verify the accuracy of all information contained in this publication. Any opinions, discussions, views, and recommendations expressed in the article are solely those of the authors and are not of Journal of Psychology and Social Health, its editors or its publisher. Journal of Psychology and Social Health, its editors and its publisher will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising there from.

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Pengaruh Modal Psikologi Ke Atas Pencapaian Pelajar Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam

Beddu Salam Baco dan Mohd. Nazri Ismail

Volume : vol 2

Publication Date : 2018-12-22

Keywords : modal psikologi, pencapaian akademik, prestasi umum

Abstract : Modal psikologi terdiri daripada keyakinan diri, harapan, optimis dan ketahanan didapati mempunyai pengaruh ke atas pencapaian seseorang. Modal psikologi adalah konstruk tahap tinggi yang diaplikasikan dalam konteks pekerjaan diandaikan mempengaruhi prestasi di tempat kerja. Kajian ini memanjangkan konsep modal psikologi dalam latar akademik. Tujuan kajian ini adalah menyediakan bukti empirik pengaruh modal psikologi ke atas pencapaian pelajar prasiswazah institusi pengajian tinggi awam. Kajian dijalankan ke atas individu sebagai unit analisis. Seramai 400 orang pelajar prasiswazah institusi pengajian tinggi awam di Sabah, Malaysia telah terlibat dalam kajian ini. Psychological Capital Questionnaire (PCQ) telah digunakan untuk mengumpul data. Analisis regresi digunakan untuk menguji pengaruh antara pembolehubah. Keputusan kajian menunjukkan modal psikologi mempunyai pengaruh positif ke atas prestasi umum tetapi tidak ada pengaruh ke atas pencapaian akademik.


The editors and publisher of Journal of Psychology and Social Health have made every possible effort to verify the accuracy of all information contained in this publication. Any opinions, discussions, views, and recommendations expressed in the article are solely those of the authors and are not of Journal of Psychology and Social Health, its editors or its publisher. Journal of Psychology and Social Health, its editors and its publisher will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising there from.

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Gender dan Pencapaian Akademik: Literatur Bersistematik

Nurain Nadia Azmi, Nor Ba’yah Abdul Kadir, dan Suzana Mohd. Hoesni

Volume : vol 2

Publication Date : 2018-12-22

Keywords : literatur bersistematik, gender, pencapaian akademik

Abstract : Gender berkait rapat dengan pembahagian peranan dan kedudukan antara golongan lelaki dengan wanita dalam sesebuah masyarakat yang terhasil daripada proses sosialisasi dan budaya. Pencapaian akademik merupakan ujian kepercayaan kognitif yang digunakan secara meluas untuk mengukur atau menganalisis keupayaan matematik, sains dan pemahaman individu dan ia seringkali dikaitkan dengan pencapaian keputusan peperiksaan. Kajian empirikal mendapati bahawa terdapat perbezaan pencapaian akademik mengikut gender. Oleh itu, literatur bersistematik ini bertujuan untuk meneliti perbezaan gender dari segi pencapaian akademik yang diperolehi daripada kajian lepas antara 2014-2018. Sciencedirect dan Springer telah digunakan sebagai pencarian artikel yang relevan. Selepas pencarian artikel dijalankan proses saringan dilakukan dan sebanyak 11 kajian telah dikenal pasti sebagai kajian yang sesuai untuk diulas. Analisis daripada artikel-artikel mendapati bahawa terdapat perbezaan gender dari aspek pencapaian akademik dan terdapat beberapa faktor yang menyumbang kepada perbezaan gender iaitu subjek, faktor umur, jenis sekolah, psikologi dan rakan sebaya. Limitasi literatur bersistematik dan implikasi turut dinyatakan.


The editors and publisher of Journal of Psychology and Social Health have made every possible effort to verify the accuracy of all information contained in this publication. Any opinions, discussions, views, and recommendations expressed in the article are solely those of the authors and are not of Journal of Psychology and Social Health, its editors or its publisher. Journal of Psychology and Social Health, its editors and its publisher will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising there from.

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Pengaruh Lokus Kawalan dan Kebimbangan Terhadap Kesunyian: Penghargaan Kendiri Sebagai Perantara

Zaiton Mohamad, Balan Rathakrishnan, dan Getrude C. Ah Gang

Volume : vol 2

Publication Date : 2018-12-22

Keywords : lokus kawalan, kebimbangan, penghargaan kendiri, kesunyian

Abstract : Tujuan utama kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji pengaruh lokus kawalan dan kebimbangan terhadap kesunyian pelajar dan juga menggunakan penghargaan kendiri sebagai perantara. Jumlah responden yang terlibat ialah seramai 599 orang pelajar tahun pertama yang berada di kampus Universiti Malaysia Sabah dan mengikuti pembelajaran secara sepenuh masa dengan min umur 19.99 tahun. Kajian adalah berbentuk tinjauan dengan menggunakan soal selidik The Anxiety Questionnaire, Locus of Control of Behaviour Scale, The Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale dan The University California (UCLA) Los Angeles Scale. Analisis data dibuat menggunakan perisian Statistical Package For Social Sciences (SPSS) versi ke 21. Keputusan kajian menunjukkan hanya lokus kawalan yang mempengaruhi kesunyian dan hanya lokus kawalan luaran yang mempengaruhi penghargaan kendiri. Kebimbangan turut mempengaruhi kesunyian dan penghargaan kendiri dalam varian yang kecil. Manakala penghargaan kendiri hanya berperanan sebagai perantara dalam hubungan antara lokus kawalan luaran dengan kesunyian sahaja dan tidak kepada kebimbangan.


The editors and publisher of Journal of Psychology and Social Health have made every possible effort to verify the accuracy of all information contained in this publication. Any opinions, discussions, views, and recommendations expressed in the article are solely those of the authors and are not of Journal of Psychology and Social Health, its editors or its publisher. Journal of Psychology and Social Health, its editors and its publisher will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising there from.

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Pengaruh Pendekatan Pengurusan Konflik dan Kecerdasan Emosi Terhadap Emotional Labor dalam Kalangan Pemimpin Kesatuan Sekerja Wanita di Sabah

Ag Mohd Ruslaimie Masli dan Kee. Y. Sabariah Mohd Yussof

Volume : vol 2

Publication Date : 2018-12-22

Keywords : pendekatan pengurusan konflik, kecerdasan emosi, emotional labor, pemimpin

Abstract : Kajian ini bertujuan menilai pengaruh pendekatan pengurusan konflik dan kecerdasan emosi terhadap emotional labor dalam kalangan pemimpin kesatuan sekerja wanita di Sabah. Kajian ini melibatkan 50 orang pemimpin wanita daripada 16 kesatuan sekerja di Sabah. Analisis regresi mudah digunakan untuk melihat pengaruh pendekatan pengurusan konflik dan kecerdasan emosi terhadap emotional labor. Hasil kajian mendapati responden mengamalkan pendekatan pengurusan konflik dan kecerdasan emosi serta emotional labor dalam memimpin kesatuan sekerja. Walau bagaimanapun, pendekatan pengurusan konflik dan kecerdasan emosi hanya mempengaruhi emotional labor melalui surface acting yang menunjukkan model kajian hanya signifikan terhadap satu dimensi. Oleh itu, wujud faktor-faktor lain yang mempengaruhi emotional labor melalui deep acting dan genuine emotion dalam kalangan pemimpin kesatuan sekerja wanita di Sabah.


The editors and publisher of Journal of Psychology and Social Health have made every possible effort to verify the accuracy of all information contained in this publication. Any opinions, discussions, views, and recommendations expressed in the article are solely those of the authors and are not of Journal of Psychology and Social Health, its editors or its publisher. Journal of Psychology and Social Health, its editors and its publisher will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising there from.

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Employees’ Trust in Supervisor and Organizational Citizenship Behavior among Bank Employees

Mah Suh Wei, Chua Bee Seok, and Tan Cho Chiew

Volume : vol 2

Publication Date : 2018-12-22

Keywords : employees’ trust, organizational citizenship behavior, working experience

Abstract : The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of employees’ trust in their supervisor on their organizational citizenship behavior. This study also investigated the moderating effect of working experience in the relationship between employees’ trust and their organizational citizenship behavior. Data were collected from 163 employees working in local-owned and foreign-owned bank in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. The Employees Trust Scale created by Chua et al. and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Scale by Smith et al. were used in this study. Result indicated that employees’ trust has positive and significant influence on their organizational citizenship behavior. Analysis on five subscale of employees’ trust indicated that the subscale of position status and relationship were the significant predictors of employee’s organizational citizenship behavior. Employee’s working experience had moderating effect in the relationship between employees’ trust and organizational citizenship behavior. However, the moderating effect only significant in the relationship between subscale of employer-employee relationship and organizational citizenship behavior among employees with less working experience. This study, it indicated that employees’ trust has an impact on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) in banking industry. This study also found that employees’ working experience moderated the relationship between subscale of employer-employee relationship and organizational citizenship behavior.


The editors and publisher of Journal of Psychology and Social Health have made every possible effort to verify the accuracy of all information contained in this publication. Any opinions, discussions, views, and recommendations expressed in the article are solely those of the authors and are not of Journal of Psychology and Social Health, its editors or its publisher. Journal of Psychology and Social Health, its editors and its publisher will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising there from.

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