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The Relationship Between Burnout and Mental Health Towards Job Satisfaction Among First Responders

Sumitra Francis A/P Thilagaratnam dan Jasmine Adela Mutang

Volume : Vol 7

Publication Date : 2023-12-12

Keywords : burnout, mental health, job satisfaction, first responders, healthcare professionals

Abstract : This cross-sectional study aims to examine the relationship between burnout, mental health, and job satisfaction among 180 first responders in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia, with a particular focus on healthcare professionals. Participants were recruited through a snowball sampling method from government and private healthcare facilities across seven districts in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. Utilizing online surveys distributed through messaging platforms due to COVID-19 constraints, the study employed the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI), Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21), and Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) to collect data on burnout, mental health, and job satisfaction respectively. The results reveal significant negative correlations between burnout and job satisfaction, with personal and work-related burnout exhibiting significant associations. Mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and stress, are found to be moderately negatively correlated with job satisfaction. The study underscores the need for targeted interventions to address these challenges and enhance the well-being and job satisfaction of first responders. Despite limitations in participant selection and sample size, the findings contribute valuable insights and underscore the importance of comprehensive strategies for the support and satisfaction of first responders in high-stress environments.


The editors and publisher of Journal of Psychology and Social Health have made every possible effort to verify the accuracy of all information contained in this publication. Any opinions, discussions, views, and recommendations expressed in the article are solely those of the authors and are not of Journal of Psychology and Social Health, its editors or its publisher. Journal of Psychology and Social Health, its editors and its publisher will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising there from.

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Examining Measurement Model of Malay Version of Mental Health Continuum-Short Form (MHC-SF) and Flourishing Scale (FS) Among University Students in Sabah, Malaysia

Adeymend Reny Japil, Rissiusinah Muntik, Siti Nursyafiqah Shafiee, and Christabelle Jill Ellron

Volume : Vol 7

Publication Date : 2023-11-28

Keywords : mental well-being, positive mental health, psychometric, psychosocial well-being, structural equation modeling, undergraduate students

Abstract : The current study intended to validate the Mental Health Continuum-Short Form (MHC-SF) and Flourishing Scale (FS) in the Malay language. The scales of MHC-SF and FS are used to measure emotional, social, and psychological well- being. Both instruments have been employed in assessing the flourishing mental health and positive human functioning of university students. A total of 131 undergraduate students (29 males and 102 females) from a public university in Sabah aged 19-26 years old participated in the study. Partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) is used to generate the result of the measurement model. The findings showed that the MHC-SF and FS in the Malay language demonstrated sufficient convergent and discriminant validity. The level of internal consistency for MHC-SF and FS was at an acceptable level. Both Malay versions of MHC-SF and FS have been proven as valid and reliable instruments to be used in the contexts of public undergraduate students in Malaysia, particularly in the state of Sabah.


The editors and publisher of Journal of Psychology and Social Health have made every possible effort to verify the accuracy of all information contained in this publication. Any opinions, discussions, views, and recommendations expressed in the article are solely those of the authors and are not of Journal of Psychology and Social Health, its editors or its publisher. Journal of Psychology and Social Health, its editors and its publisher will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising there from.

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Islam and Psychology: The Islamization of Modern Psychology

Mohd Dahlan A. Malek and Ida Shafinaz Mohamed Kamil

Volume : Vol 7

Publication Date : 2023-12-15

Keywords : Islam, psikologi. islamisasi ilmu pengetahuan, peranan universiti

Abstract : Majoriti sarjana Muslim yang prihatin dengan nasib komuniti Muslim (Ummah) telah terlibat secara mendalam dengan konsep Islamisasi ilmu pengetahuan yang mendapat momentum pada tahun 80-an sebagai hasil kesedaran global terhadap "kebangkitan Islam" pada tahun 70-an. Artikel ini melihat bagaimana kepercayaan, nilai, dan amalan budaya Islam mempengaruhi pemahaman mengenai kesihatan mental dan tingkah laku manusia. Perbincangan ini termasuk penerokaan mengenai impak prinsip-prinsip Islam terhadap kesejahteraan psikologi, seperti konsep Tawhid (keesaan Allah), Akhirah (hidup selepas mati), dan Qadar (takdir ilahi). Artikel ini juga membincangkan aspek praktikal penyatuan ajaran Islam dalam intervensi psikologi, menekankan peranan amalan Islam, termasuk solat, berpuasa, dan penglibatan komuniti, dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan mental. Kepekaan budaya yang diperlukan dalam bekerja dengan populasi Muslim yang pelbagai ditekankan, kerana variasi wujud berdasarkan perbezaan kawasan, linguistik, dan budaya. Artikel ini membincangkan proses Islamisasi psikologi moden, di mana prinsip-prinsip Islam, nilai, dan konteks budaya berpadu dengan harmoni dengan kerangka psikologi kontemporari. Sebagai institusi pendidikan tertinggi, universiti dapat menyumbang peranan yang signifikan dalam meningkatkan proses Islamisasi psikologi moden yang akan menyokong usaha pembaharuan dan pembangunan ummah.


The editors and publisher of Journal of Psychology and Social Health have made every possible effort to verify the accuracy of all information contained in this publication. Any opinions, discussions, views, and recommendations expressed in the article are solely those of the authors and are not of Journal of Psychology and Social Health, its editors or its publisher. Journal of Psychology and Social Health, its editors and its publisher will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising there from.

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Hubungan antara Gaya Pengurusan Konflik dan Kesejahteraan Psikologi Guru

Christina Andin dan Hastute Mohd Yunus

Volume : Vol 7

Publication Date : 2023-12-31

Keywords : kesejahteraan psikologi, gaya pengurusan konflik, guru, sekolah

Abstract : Kajian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan gaya pengurusan konflik dengan kesejahteraan psikologi guru. Reka bentuk kajian adalah Kuantitatif dengan pendekatan tinjauan mengunakan satu set soal selidik. Responden kajian melibatkan seramai 291 guru sekolah rendah yang dipilih secara rawak berstrata di daerah Tawau. Objektif khusus kajian adalah meliputi mengenal pasti tahap kesejahteraan psikologi dalam kalangan guru sekolah rendah, mengenal pasti gaya pengurusan konflik dan mengenal pasti hubungan antara gaya pengurusan konflik dan kesejahteraan psikologi Guru di Sekolah Rendah. Hasil kajian menunjukkan tahap kesejahteraan psikologi guru secara keseluruhannya ada sederhana (Min 3.50). Hanya satu daripada lima gaya pengurusan konflik pada tahap tinggi iaitu gaya kolaborasi (Min 3.80). Kajian mendapati bahawa pekali Korelasi Pearson antara Gaya Pengurusan Konflik dengan Kesejahteraan Psikologi adalah r=0.294, p<0.05. Ini menunjukkan kedua pemboleh ubah berhubung secara positif dengan kekuatan perhubungan pada tahap yang lemah. Dapatan kajian boleh dimanafaatkan oleh agensi berkaitan untuk terus memberikan perhatian kepada isu kesejahteraan psikologi guru serta gaya pengurusan konflik.


The editors and publisher of Journal of Psychology and Social Health have made every possible effort to verify the accuracy of all information contained in this publication. Any opinions, discussions, views, and recommendations expressed in the article are solely those of the authors and are not of Journal of Psychology and Social Health, its editors or its publisher. Journal of Psychology and Social Health, its editors and its publisher will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising there from.

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Equality and Survivability: COVID-19 and Persons with Disability in Malaysia

Teoh Jia Long, Muhammad Idris Bullare @ Bahari dan Fariz A. Rani

Volume : Vol 7

Publication Date : 2023-12-31

Keywords : COVID-19, persons with disabilities, issues, challenges, suggestions

Abstract : Many have become victims of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the virus has changed how we live our lives significantly. In order to mitigate the spread of the virus, various countries have implemented non-pharmaceutical approaches such as spatial distancing and partial lockdown. Be that as it may, the strong countermeasure applied poses several issues towards persons with disabilities (PWDs) due to their limitations in mobility, as well as a country’s poor policy planning. This paper sought to discuss some of the issues experienced by PWDs in Malaysia during the COVID-19 pandemic as well as some relevant suggestion


The editors and publisher of Journal of Psychology and Social Health have made every possible effort to verify the accuracy of all information contained in this publication. Any opinions, discussions, views, and recommendations expressed in the article are solely those of the authors and are not of Journal of Psychology and Social Health, its editors or its publisher. Journal of Psychology and Social Health, its editors and its publisher will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising there from.

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Berani atau tidak: Tinjauan kebangsaan terhadap sokongan kempen anti merokok (Speak out) di Malaysia

Mohd Haazik Mohamed, Wanda Kiyah George Albert, Yessy Octavia Misdi, Muhammad Muzammil Ishak, Mohamed Syakreen Razali, Shareza Mardan, dan Erni Hafiza Zakaria

Volume : Vol 7

Publication Date : 2023-12-31

Keywords : promosi kesihatan, pendidikan kesihatan, asap rokok sekunder, asap ketiga, kempen speak out

Abstract : Sokongan masyarakat menentukan kejayaan sesuatu kempen terutamanya kempen yang berkaitan dengan isu kesihatan. Tujuan utama kajian ini dijalankan adalah untuk mengenal pasti sokongan rakyat Malaysia terhadap Kempen Speak Out serta keberanian mereka untuk menegur perokok yang merokok di sekeliling mereka dan ahli keluarga mereka. Data diekstrak daripada Tinjauan Kementeria Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) terhadap Kempen Speak Out Kebangsaan pada tahun 2019. Golongan dewasa berumur 18 tahun dan ke atas terlibat dalam kajian ini. Analisis khi kuasa dua dan binominal logistik regrasi dijalankan untuk mengkaji hubungan dan pengaruh antara keupayaan untuk menegur perokok dengan sosiodemografi, pendapat terhadap asap rokok bekas dan ketiga dan sokongan terhadap Kempen Speak Out. Daripada 3403 responden yang terlibat, 54.6% berani menegur perokok yang merokok di sekeliling mereka dan ahli keluarga mereka. Keputusan juga menunjukkan bahawa 94.5% responden menyokong kempen Speak Out. Umur, jenis pekerjaan, zon kediaman, status merokok, mempunyai ahli keluarga yang merokok, mempunyai ahli keluarga dan rakan yang merokok di dalam rumah, pendapat terhadap perokok ketiga, sokongan terhadap Kempen Speak Out dan sokongan perjanjian untuk menegur perokok yang asap di tempat awam mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan (k<.05) dengan keberanian menegur perokok. Walau bagaimanapun, analisis pengaruh menunjukkan bahawa pelajar universiti, golongan bukan perokok, tidak tinggal bersama perokok, tidak mengetahui bahaya atau asap rokok basi dan asap rokok tertier, tidak bersetuju dengan tindakan menegur perokok, tinggal di Pantai Timur Malaysia dan usia yang lebih muda tidak mempunyai keberanian untuk menegur perokok yang merokok disekeliling mereka. Kempen Speak Out yang telah diperkenalkan pada tahun 2019 telah mendapat sokongan yang baik daripada rakyat Malaysia dan telah diiktiraf oleh Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia. Kajian ini membuktikan bahawa Kempen Speak Out adalah relevan untuk dijalankan pada masa kini dan dapatan kajian ini juga menekankan keperluan kajian masa depan yang memfokuskan kepada pengetahuan, sikap dan amalan terhadap asap rokok basi dan asap rokok tertier dalam kalangan rakyat Malaysia. Justeru itu, pihak KKM digesa untuk meneruskan kempen Speak Out ini dan menggembleng tenaga dan kepakaran daripada pelbagai pihak dalam usaha untuk mendidik masyarakat Malaysia melindungi diri dan keluarga mereka daripada bahaya asap rokok basi dan asap rokok tertier ini.


The editors and publisher of Journal of Psychology and Social Health have made every possible effort to verify the accuracy of all information contained in this publication. Any opinions, discussions, views, and recommendations expressed in the article are solely those of the authors and are not of Journal of Psychology and Social Health, its editors or its publisher. Journal of Psychology and Social Health, its editors and its publisher will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising there from.

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Kajian Rintis: Tahap Stres Ibu Bapa Pekak di Malaysia

Nurul Khalidah Zulkefeli and Nur Farhana Ardillah Aftar

Volume : Vol 7

Publication Date : 2023-12-31

Keywords : tahap stres, ibu bapa, pekak

Abstract : Terdapat banyak kajian mengenai tahap stres ibu bapa kepada anak berkeperluan khas, namun kajian mengenai tahap stres ibu bapa yang berkeperluan khas adalah kurang, terutamanya ibu bapa berstatus pekak. Maka, tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji tahap stres ibu bapa pekak di Malaysia. Sampel berjumlah 164 ibu bapa bukan pekak dan 31 ibu bapa pekak telah menjawab soal selidik Skala Anggapan Stres, secara atas talian. Kemudian, data dianalisis melalui analisis deskriptif dan ujian Mann-Whitney U. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa tidak terdapat perbezaan tahap stres yang signifikan antara ibu bapa bukan pekak dan ibu bapa pekak di Malaysia. Hasil kajian ini diharapkan menambah sorotan kajian mengenai ibu bapa pekak di Malaysia. Hal ini penting dalam mengenal pasti permasalahan yang dilalui oleh ibu bapa pekak, untuk membentuk intervensi yang bersesuaian.


The editors and publisher of Journal of Psychology and Social Health have made every possible effort to verify the accuracy of all information contained in this publication. Any opinions, discussions, views, and recommendations expressed in the article are solely those of the authors and are not of Journal of Psychology and Social Health, its editors or its publisher. Journal of Psychology and Social Health, its editors and its publisher will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising there from.

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